The curriculum at King’s Leadership Academy Hawthornes is designed to be broad, balanced and enriched, so that all students, irrespective of their starting points, are able to make the step to employment, college, university and a successful career.
Our curriculum follows the national curriculum and has been further developed and sequenced by subject experts using the latest research.
All students in years 7 to 9 study, irrespective of starting points or additional needs, study an ambitious curriculum that aims to to provide a secure transition from primary school, through Foundations and into the Senior School.
There are five key principles underpinning the design of the curriculum:
The KS3 curriculum is designed to ensure that all students have a clear foundation ready for the challenges of GCSE at KS4. Classes are taught in mixed prior attaining groups.
All students study humanities and Spanish until the end of Year 9 to ensure access to a broad and balanced academic curriculum.
Additional literacy and numeracy sessions are delivered in Lesson ‘0’ by dock tutors.
PSHE, CEIAG, RE and British Values are taught through Assemblies, Dock Tutor Aspire sessions, and RE and PSHE lessons timetabled throughout the week.
The purpose of the Key Stage 4 curriculum studied by students in years 10 and 11, is to ensure that all students graduate to sixth form college or employment of their choice. The curriculum is broad and balanced, with a strong core in the EBacc subjects.
The subjects offered at key stage 4 are:
English Language
English Literature
Science (separate sciences are offered as an option)
Physical Education (Core)
Sports Coaching (Option)
Statistics (Option)
Computer Science (Option)
I Media (Option)
Business Studies (Option)
Hospitality and Catering (Option)
Art and Design (Option)
Design and Technology (Option)
Health and Social Care (Option)
Music (option)
Performing Arts (option)